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4 Advantages of a Chronological Resume

resume Jun 15, 2020

There are many different resume formats that you can use in your job search. However, there are unique advantages of a chronological resume format that often makes it your best choice.

I will admit that there are some strategic reasons as to why you should sometimes use a functional resume or even a hybrid resume. Still, you will need to have a chronological resume as a backup. The resume is really just a marketing piece to get your foot in the door. You will want a resume that does the very best job of selling you.

If you are having a difficult time with deciding which resume format works best, then consider the following chronological resume advantages.

4 Advantages of a Chronological Resume

Most hiring managers are going to want to see a chronological resume. That is just the way that it is. I know that this is especially true with recruiters. The main reason why is because the want to easily see what you did and where. It is important that the essential skills for the job opening is something you have done recently and not years ago. The resume format that you choose is more essential than you may realize.

It is simple tool for telling your story. When preparing for an interview, you want to have an easy to tell story. A chronological resume format helps you to do that. If you have any trouble explaining why you left one job for another, then you need to spend some time getting your story straight.

It offers an easy conversation tool for hiring managers. Most hiring managers use the resume as a guide during the interview process. Having a chronological resume that describes what you did at each job makes this a smooth process for the interviewer.

It can easily sell your upward mobility. This is probably my favorite reason for using a chronological resume. If done correctly, you can see a nice career progression on your resume. Employers love to see this. They like to see upward mobility when it comes to your job titles and job responsibilities. If you do this right, your phone will ring off the hook for interviews.

As you can clearly see, there are some fantastic advantages of a chronological resume format. It is the best place to start if you are looking to update your resume.

 I have a favorite chronological template that I like to use. I have tweaked, adjusted, and changed this format until I get the highest response. I use this format with all of my resume clients.  I hope you can see the advantages of a chronological resume and why need to use this format for the majority of situations.


Jonathan Milligan

Jonathan has been blogging since 2009 and is still in awe that the Creator of the Universe desires to have a relationship with him. His passions include spending time with his kids, reading, March Madness, surprise get-a-way trips with his wife, and watching funny YouTube videos.

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